
The 5th CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity - Sponsorship Opportunities

The 5th CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity has moved to an E-conference. The new conditions to sponsorship the conference are the following:

  • Logos and Links to the website, LinkedIn (or an alternative) of the company on both the official website of the conference and the platform of the E-conference.
  • The videos of the most relevant sponsors will be shown before the opening and closure ceremonies.
  • The sponsors will have a dedicated section on the virtual platform to show videos of the company or the products they want to show in the E-conference. They can upload technical presentations (10 minutes) and they will have a comment section for discussions with the attendees.
  • The logos of the sponsor will be included on a slide before and after the presentation of each paper (2-3 seconds).
  • Short spots (10 seconds max) with a clear message of the sponsor will be shown.
  • The final programme of the E-conference will include the logos and website of the sponsors.
  • The sponsor will have access to the platform, watch the presentations and participate in the discussions.

For further detailes, please contact the organization (cirpcsi2020@mondragon.edu).